Archive | Leadership

How to Improve Your HR In Business

As with any business, the HR department can often come under some scrutiny. Whilst some businesses have a HR department and system that works wonders, others fail miserably. So here are a few tips to improve your HR in business.I Have Someone In Every Day Even if your company is fairly small, it still warrants […]

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Why is HR so important?

Human resources (HR) is a term that encompasses the management and development of members of staff within an organization. Whereas traditionally, HR has focused on hiring, firing and payroll reviewing, in recent years HR has begun to incorporate a wider remit. Whereas ultimately, the goal of HR is to increase employee performance, not all businesses […]

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5 Ways To Show Employees That You Appreciate Them

When you are trying to keep your employees motivated, it’s important that you show your appreciation of them. Things like setting targets are great for encouraging people but if people feel that they are not valued and their work is taken for granted, they will not work hard. This is something that a lot of […]

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