Archive | Blogging

Spending Week Continues

Last week I wrote about how I was going to calculate how much I spend during a normal work week on things such as lunches, dinners, happy hours, etc. I will be keeping track of how much I spend this week and then compare it to how much I save next week by bringing my […]

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RSS Readers Slowing Productivity?

Over the weekend I was thinking about what I spend my time on at “work” or my internship rather. My day is semi comprised of worthless meetings that I go to with my supervisor and then some actual work. However, in between meetings, lunch, and working, there are a few things that slow down my […]

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Keep Them…No I Mean Keepm!

The other day I came across a new site called “Keepm”. The site is basically a free online contact management solution. My roommate and I had been talking about this a couple months back and after doing some research he found ones that did exactly that- hold information on all your contacts and even notified […]

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