July Earnings

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I haven’t done this before, but thought that I woudl throw the information out there anyway…even though it is not much.

No, no, no, I didn’t make anywhere near John Chow or other similar bloggers, however, I did make more money then previous months so I just wanted to point it out and where it came from.

For July I earned about $55.26. Not too bad I guess for not really doing a whole lot to monetize the blog, although that will be changing over the next few weeks

ReviewMe – $35.00
PayPal- $10.00
Google AdSense- $10.26
Total: $55.26

The ReviewMe payments can in two waves. The first payment was for the campaign reviews I did on the site, which were $5.00 each. These are a lower payout price then your normal blog review price because they are not directed to any certain blog specifically. They are campaigns where you can pick and choose which reviews you would like to do. This got me $10.00. The second payment from ReivewMe was for the affiliates side of the house. I had 107 people click on my affiliate links to ReivewMe but only one of those signed up. That one person got me $25.00 though, so I am happy with that. If all 107 of them signed up that could have meant $2,500+…I think I would have crapped my pants if that happened. So, sign up this time when you click on my ReviewMe links!

The $10.00 from PayPal was for filling out a PayPal survey. This was a survey they asked me to participate in and in return I would get $10 in my account, free money! So for about 5 minutes of my time, it was pretty painless.

And of course we all know how the $10.26 from AdSense works. I didn’t get a check or anything for it, but I am getting closer to reaching the next $100 magic mark.

Hopefully this will continue to rise in the coming months!

On another note, I also brought in good amounts from my eBay business and my web development business. Web development work this summer totaled around $3,500 (total, yet I had expenses like hiring other designers, programmers, and buying scripts). eBay, however, where most of the money was profit, brought in about another $2,000. If I had to guess, since I am not looking at any numbers in front of me, I probably sold about $1,000 worth of camping equipment (based on retail prices) as well as other items.

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4 Responses to July Earnings

  1. DayJobNuker August 16, 2007 at 11:29 pm #

    Don’t get discouraged with the blog earnings. just keep on pumping good writing out and it will grow.

    I hate my job and I am going to NUKE it at

  2. Jan August 23, 2007 at 1:07 pm #

    If it makes you feel better, you make more than me! I’ve cut back on my writing for pay and my income dropped of course!

    Within a month or so I should get my first Google check after a year plus doing this! I do have a family, two jobs, am single, and started with no skills. The beginning was mostly consumed by learning skills needed.

  3. Chris August 26, 2007 at 9:36 pm #

    Money is money Jan! At least that is the way I am looking at it. I am going to be implementing a couple new strategies over the next month or so to bring in some more money hopefully. Things such as context links and Amazon affiliates. Hopefully these will help out!


  1. September Earnings | Dorm Room Biz - October 2, 2007

    […] from September stayed about the same since the last time that I did this type of report. This months revenue came in from the following sources: ReviewMe, SponsoredReviews, Google […]

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