Social Media Management

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If you are like many people today, you make use of various social media platforms for a number of reasons. Many people check their Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts regularly because they want to stay connected with others.

Some are looking for great deals on merchandise or are using social media sites as their source for local news. Many have a fear of missing out on important information. For example, you may fear that if you don’t check your social media sites several times per day, you will lose track of what your friends and family members are doing.

You want to stay connected with those who you care about, and social media sites enable you to do just that. However, the downside to using social media sites is that they can drain you of valuable time each day.

Whether you use two social media sites or several, you no doubt have to log into each account individually, flip through the various screens and do your best to read the new information. Likewise, if you choose to post something online, you may have to post it on numerous websites. This is a considerable waste of time.

My Life, found online at, offers you an incredible alternative to this experience. My Life consolidates all of your social media accounts into a single screen platform. You can easily view all of your social media feeds as well as post new comments or tweets through this platform. When you make a post, you can control which social media accounts it is posted to.

There is no longer a need to type the same post numerous times or to check through various social media platforms simply to stay up-to-date.

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