What Do You Recommend To Read?

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I am working on putting together a list of recommended readings for young entrepreneurs and want your input! Please leave you comments on books which you have found helpful, motivational, inspirational, or just plain awesome. The books can be under any category you want – business, start-up, success stories, motivational/inspirational, marketing, etc. The final list will be published online at the new website that I am working on for the Collegiate Entrepreneurs organization that I am President of.

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0 Responses to What Do You Recommend To Read?

  1. Lucas November 24, 2006 at 1:41 pm #

    Hi Chris,

    Some recommended reading i’d suggest is the following…

    Think and Grow Rich – Napolean Hill
    Losing My Virginity – Richard Branson
    The Wealthy Barber

    Those are just a few off the top of my head that are decent reads.


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