5 Steps Towards A More Competitive Website

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While the Internet has opened up a world of opportunity for many businesses, there is a lot of competition out there. Whatever line of business you are in, there will always be a bigger player with a higher budget to spend on their online marketing. However, it is possible to fight back – and today, we’re going to show you how to get started.

Analyze The Competition

Your first step is to know what you are up against. List all your competitors and create a spreadsheet to compare what they do to what you have on your site. What do they do well, and how you can you improve on their ideas? You can look at their blog, social media channels, and even sign up for their email list. Whatever you can do to get a better picture of their online operation, the better.

Revamp Your Website

Building a website has never been easier than it is today, thanks to the proliferation of templates and cookie cutter site builders. They are great for any business just starting out – but they won’t help you stand out from the crowd. Instead, look at getting web solutions specialists on board to help you create a custom build. The difference between this kind of site and templates will help you raise your online profile significantly.

Create Juicier Content

There is a lot of content online – and many would say that there is too much. The trouble is, much of it is of low quality, written by people who are paid peanuts and aren’t qualified to comment on the subject at all. Improve the quality of your blog posts, and you will stand out from the rest. Choose topics that have the potential of a large audience – think about what will excite them. Test what works,m and what is failing you – and use your data to drive the conversations. Mix up your content, too. Video, infographics, and long-form pieces tend to be much more successful than copycat guides that are the same as all the rest.

Analyze Everything

The beauty of the web is that it is so easy to analyze everything you do. Once you start tracking your successes – and failures – it will give you the ammo you need to build your audience. Keywords, SEO rankings, comments, and social shares can all point to where you are doing things the right way.


Listen to what your audience is telling you, too. Track what they do on your website, and set up A/B testing to focus in on what is successful. Minor changes to the words, colors, and language you use can have a surprisingly beneficial effect. Make sure you are getting everything you can out of your customers, too. Send them surveys once in a while, or find out what they think of your service once they make a purchase.

These five steps will help you improve your website and make it a lot more competitive. There’s a lot more you can do, of course. But, if you can put these essentials into place, you will be taking a huge step in the right direction., Good luck!

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