Cyber Security: Five Ways To Protect Your Business Passwords

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There was a time when it didn’t really matter how secure your passwords were. If you got hacked, you might lose your downloaded video games or school documents. Big deal, right?! Now, you’re a business owner, and security should be at the forefront of your mind. It’s imperative that you keep your business systems as protected as you can. That all starts with the idea of creating passwords that aren’t hackable. How do you this? We’re glad you asked.

Length & Strength

It all starts with the type of password you choose. Ultimately, you can’t just put in a few words or numbers and hope to get away with it. The length of the password is important, so the longer you can make it, the better. Strength refers to the randomness of the characters you choose. You’ll want to include capitals, numbers, punctuation and more if you want to create the most secure password possible. Ideally, you’ll want your password to be as random as it possibly can be.


There are a lot of ways to protect our most important data. Security technologies incorporate everything from cloud backup servers to more efficient antivirus software. Passwords are a little different, though, not offering quite as much potential. Encryption isn’t a particularly well-known way of protecting passwords, but it’s an important one. You can get specialized software that can encrypt passwords and make them harder to break down.

Password Managers

There is also software on the market in the form of password managers. Not only are these very important to keep track of crucial data, but they can help to generate passwords too. Why is that such a big deal? Well, a good password manager can generate a code that is very tough for a hacker to break into. It’s a much better way of doing things than simply thinking of something off the top of your head.


If you haven’t yet heard of 2FA or two-factor authentication, it’s time you knew the score. There are plenty of online services offering this type of security nowadays, helping to protect your password further. Companies know that password theft and hacking is becoming more prominent all the time. This authentication solution requires another element of authentication before it’ll allow you to proceed. This, in theory, prevents hackers from gaining access.

Breach Databases

Another thing you might want to check is a breach database. You can find them all over the web at places like Breach Level Index, and you can find out detailed statistics. This might showcase new information about a breach that has taken place, as well as how to protect against it. If you can establish whether you have been subject to a data breach, you can then take measures to solve the issue as best you can.

As more and more technology comes into play, we can’t afford to forget about the basics. Passwords fall into the latter category, and we need to make sure we’re keeping them as secure as possible.

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