Self Confidence – Leadership Qualities Series

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OK I got a little behind in this one. Sorry!

Confidence in one’s ability gives the leader inner strength to overcome difficult tasks.

If leaders lack self-confidence, people may question their authority and may even disobey orders. Researchers at the Center for Creative Leadership have found that successful leaders remain calm and confident even during intense situations. By demonstrating grace under pressure, they inspire those around them to stay calm and act intelligently. According to football quarterback Roger Staubach, the key to self-confidence is how hard the leader works: “Confidence comes from hours, days, weeks, and years or preparation and dedication. When I’m in the last two minutes of a December playoff game, I’m drawing confidence from windsprints I did the previous month. It’s just a circle: work and confidence.”

A leader must ask, What is my self-confidence level? Do I show confidence in my actions? Have I done the homework and preparation needed to build self-confidence?

If you are just starting to read the Leadership Qualities Series, check out the first post about it and then read the other entries in the series.

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