Becoming the Creator of a Makerspace

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A makerspace is an exciting place where people take advantage of a variety of tools to turn their idea into reality. It’s also a great business idea for someone who wants to share his or her creativity and knowledge with others. Getting a makerspace going requires the same effort as starting any other type of business, and the place to start is with a good business plan.

Creating a business plan for a makerspace starts with the general concept. A makerspace is a place for people to rent bench time and tools, but there’s more than just that. Defining the overall use of the makerspace is important. Is it going to be a place where people are primarily engaging in woodworking? Or are there provisions for metalwork, too? Can younger people use the space under supervision, or is it going to be an adult workshop only? These are some of the questions that need to be asked when creating the business plan.

A business plan is just one part of the equation. An appropriate space is needed for the type of work the space focuses on, the right permits from the local governing body need issuing, and proper zoning for the use of the space has to be in place. Those are the big details. Smaller ones include using safety measures, creating safety protocols, and making sure there’s ventilation and adequate lighting. Putting all of this together is a challenge, but it’s a rewarding one.

For more information on starting up a makerspace, take a look at the following infographic.

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