How to Juggle College and Starting a Business

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If the entrepreneurship bug catches you while you’re still studying, you have a brilliant business idea that you can’t wait to start, but you have no idea how to juggle it while you’re still at college there are a few things you can do to free up the time you need.

Work Space

First things first, if you’re going to successfully focus on two completely different goals at once, you’re going to need to separate them from each other. The worst thing you can do is try to tackle the challenges that both pose at the same time. First of all, start by sectioning off certain parts of your week and dedicating them to either college or your business. You need a rigid routine that you can stick to in order to dedicate a fair amount of time to both projects. By splitting them up you will minimize distraction and be able to use your time more efficiently.

To support this approach, make sure you have a different work space for each activity so that you can zone out and focus. You’ll find that when you enter one space your mind will immediately begin to tailor its thoughts towards that specific goal. Students usually have limited living space, but you could dedicate the library to your studies, and maybe a local coffee shop or community space for your business. If you’re lucky enough to have a large living space that you could section off, try using specific motivational posters to separate the two.

Deadline Management

It is crucial that you do not allow your business to overshadow your studies. At the end of the day, you can start your business any time, but you only get one chance to finish qualifications. Make sure you organize your time well by keeping a careful note of deadlines and when you will be completing the work for them.

Dorm Responsibilities

As part of your college experience you need to help look after your dorm, so you need to make sure you factor in time to do this too. One way to cut down on the time you spend on chores is by having food delivered rather than cooking from scratch every day. It is not just unhealthy food that you can have delivered, search the slogan get fit with muscle meals for an example of how you can order nutritional, healthy meals.

It is possible to start a business while you’re still at college so don’t be overwhelmed by the prospect of juggling both. However, it is important to make sure you take certain actions towards organizing your time. Split your schedule evenly and rigidly between both pursuits so that you can fully focus on each without distraction. Make sure you stay on top of your college deadlines and try to find ways to cut down on dorm chores. Click here for more advice on growing a business from your dorm.

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