What young entrepreneur would you want to hear speak?

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So I am working on planning a young entrepreneurs conference for the spring here at Radford University and I am trying to figure out what young entrepreneurs we would like to have come and speak. We are searching for three young entrepreneurs under the age of 30 (male or female, anywhere in the US).

If you were to come to an event where you heard two speakers in the morning and then a lunch keynote speaker, who would you want to hear? I have some of my own ideas and have been in contact with a few, but want to hear who others would like to hear speak. They would ofcourse be speaking on entrepreneurship related topics: why start a business, being succesful as a collegiate entrepreneur, managing your finances as an entrepreneur, etc.

So, please leave comments on who you would want to hear speak and why or email me!


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3 Responses to What young entrepreneur would you want to hear speak?

  1. David Askaripour October 26, 2006 at 10:21 am #

    Michael Simmons is a great speaker. I’d also nominate myself. I love giving motivational presentations!

  2. Chris October 26, 2006 at 12:56 pm #

    David- Michael is a great speaker although I have not had the chance to hear him yet. He is actually one of the ones that I have already been contact with and am hoping to have come speak. You were also on my list of people to contact, I will drop you an email though about it!


  3. Ashley Cecil October 27, 2006 at 11:34 am #

    I recently was at the Idea Festival (http://www.ideafestival.com) and met several young folks you might be interested in. I’m specifically thinking of several people at Mental Floss Magazine. Some Duke buddies started the publication before they graduated and are now doing very well. The only name that’s sticking at the moment is Mary Carmichael, but the 2 founders were also great.

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