Why Keeping up With Tech Is So Important For Your Dorm Room Biz

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Photo by Kaushal Moradiya from Pexels

As a small, home or dorm room biz- chances are most of what you do in your business is done online. For this reason, you need to ensure you’re utilizing the most up to date methods to keep your company running smoothly, stay ahead of your competition and make the sales that you need. Here are some of the ways you can go about it.

Make your tax digital

Tax is always a pain, as business owners none of us enjoy it and it can be quite a large and complicated task. Thankfully it’s now possible to deal with everything online, which does make things quicker and easier. Instead of having to fill in and send off lots of paperwork, you simply enter your figures and most things are calculated for you instantly and on the day. If you’re still using older methods for completing your tax, consider switching to solely online methods. Even if you use a tax accountant, doing this will make their job easier too. And anything that makes their job easier and quicker will more than likely cost you less money. 

Utilize cloud based software

Cloud based software enables you to work from any computer, anywhere in the world. This can be really useful as a small or home based biz, if you’re moving around a lot and using different devices between the library, home and your dorm room then you can always access what you need. It gives you a seamless experience between devices, and if you hire freelancers or third party companies to run areas of your business, they can easily login and you can all work from the same software with no issues. Check out companies like Cloudvisory.com for more information. 

Upgrade your tech

Finally, it’s not just the software that’s important when you’re running a home based business, but your hardware too. If you’re using an older computer or device then it can be laggy and slow, chances are you’ll reduce your productivity and you could even end up losing data if you’re not properly backing up or using cloud software. If your livelihood as well as your student work requires you to work online then it makes sense to invest in a good computer. If you work all over then something portable like a laptop or even a high quality tablet with a keyboard might be suitable. Either way, you’ll want something that’s fast, easy to use and up to date so that you’re not experiencing software issues, files clashing or other problems that can result from out of date tech.  Of course, if you’re using any kind of tech, even the most up to date options, it’s important that you use the services of an IT company to keep everything secure and up and running. This can prevent issues such as downtime, data breaches or worse!

What kind of technology do you have in your dorm room biz setup?

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