Digital Strategies For Dynamic Businesses

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There is so much focus on the online world these days, and you only have to look at your own personal habits to see why as a business owner, you need to listen up. You as a person may have social media and share your life online, it might just be to friends and family, you may not even share just keep up to date with others, but the majority of people use it in some way, as a line of communication and for keeping in touch. You might buy clothes online, order something on Amazon prime for next day delivery, you may even get your groceries delivered. When you want to buy something what might be the first thing you do? Perhaps jump on Google and look for recommendations? Maybe visit websites or read reviews? So as a business owner, will your potential customers and existing clients be doing the same thing? The chances are that would be a resounding yes. But aside from having a straight forward website or having a dabble on social media every now and again, how can you really be more present online. I wanted to share with you some of the digital strategies you could consider.

Give your website an overhaul or relaunch a new one

Your website is the key ingredient, so not investing properly in it could be your downfall. You may have used a free domain, you may be using a hosting platform to have your website out there, but is it really enough? This is when looking at a new website or relaunching your existing one with a new domain or approach could be better. There are some great packages out there and you can read more here if you are interested. Your website is key, and it needs to function well and be more dynamic to stand out from the crowd. So make sure that it does your business justice.

Incorporate video marketing

More people are loving the idea of video, and you only have to see the increase in users on YouTube to see why. So you may want to add video marketing into the mix with your website and customer experience. It may be a video demonstrating a product or service, or a quick video on who you are and what your business is all about. It is a great way to advertise your business without it being too much or overwhelming to your customer.

Get onboard with live streams

With more than 75% of people checking their social media a few times each day, there is no surprise that in the moment statuses and feeds are going to help boost your business, and this is when live streams could be a thing to help you do it. A live video on Facebook of an event or product launch, maybe even a live video of demonstration or coming on to ask questions that could be left in the comments in real time. Many live videos can stay on your platform, so it won’t be that people miss out on the content either.

Show your personality and give your business a voice

People buy from people, and that is becoming more apparent than ever before. But while you don’t need a shop or store to do that, you can still give your business a voice online. Instagram stories, video content on YouTube and imagery is a great way to express who you are an what your business is all about. You may find that customers then become invested in your business and your story.

Get on board with content marketing

Not many are that enticed by actual adverts anymore. They want information, they want to feel involved and invested. A recent study showed that more potential customers would rather read an informative article relating to you and your business than an actual advert. It is worth consider your content marketing strategy moving forward.

Focus on your local community

You may want to think about embracing the latest trend of shopping local and supporting local business. More businesses are taking advantage of being the expert in their field locally and are supporting local charities and events in terms of a different way of advertising.

Communicate to your customers via social messaging applications

People want instant answers these days. It is wy search engines are so popular. But, they also want communication fast and easily accessible rather than logging into emails or filling out online forms. This is when using social messaging apps like Facebook messenger, Whatsapp or enabling direct messages through social media like Instagram is worth it to you as a business.

Could influencer marketing be the way forward?

There is a rising star amongst us, the rise of the internet celebrities and influences. There are now people out there online, doing their thing on social media or sharing video content on YouTube that are more popular than some of the major celebrities that star in feature films or Tv series. It is crazy, but these influencers are worth their weight in gold. They already have an engaged audience, so why not allow them to promote your products or services? If they are fit for your business and brand then it could be a marketing relationship that would work really well to help you attract new customers.

Is your business Instagrammable?

Finally, one last note to discuss Instagram. It is fast becoming the most used social media platform with more than 8 million users each month. Thanks to Instagram stories and advertising opportunities, this is definitely a platform to help your business grow. Instagram is an inspiring place, so imagery is massively important. Check out some of your competitors or other  businesses that do well on Instagram to see what they do good and what you can do better.

I hope that these digital strategies will help your business grow for the future. Even if you try only a few, you never know what might work for you and your brand.


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