Future Proof Your Business for the Twenty First Century

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Even though you love the fact that you are a millennial and you have the world at your fingertips, you still might not have that same futuristic and modern mindset for your business. Being young means you should have your finger on the pulse about new business methodologies, industry specific software and marketing strategies. However, just because you are under the age of thirty doesn’t give you a monopoly on all things relevant. With increased competition in all sectors, it’s more vital than ever that you change with the times and future proof your business entity. Take a look at this simple guide to help you make your startup fit for modern times.

Social Media

Unless you’ve been living under a rock since you were born, you can’t fail to have noticed the explosion of social media platforms across the Internet. The chances are that you utilize some of these in your personal life. Perhaps you have a Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram accounts. Scrolling mindlessly through these feeds while watching TV in the evening may even be a favorite pastime of yours.

It’s time to think about social media channels as an effective tool for your business. Online marketing is a difficult nut to crack. However your Facebook page and Instagram account could be the perfect way to drive traffic to your website and get potential customers interested in your products or services. Keep your social media feeds updated regularly and link to relevant blog posts. The more meaningful content you post, the more often it will get shared and read. This increases your online visibility. Ensure that you communicate with your customers if they make a comment on a post and respond in a timely manner.

The Cloud

If you still have USB sticks and external hard drives, you need to reconsider your storage options. Companies like NetEffect will oversee the storage of your files and data for you. By using a private cloud server, you can feel safe in the knowledge that your most confidential documents are even more secure. Outsourcing your IT management can help free up your time to concentrate on more pressing aspects of your business vision such as funding, marketing and sales. Delegating effectively is necessary in the twenty first century as more tasks come under the remit of an entrepreneur.


It was once deemed necessary to fly to important overseas business meetings. However, with the emergence of conference calls and Skype, coupled with the need to be more ethical and sustainable, it makes sense to remain in your home country. Conducting meetings can be done just as effectively from your office, even though your client may be thousands of miles away. Invest in WebEx or Skype and see the world open up to you.

By following this guide, you can make your business fit for the twenty first century. Change is necessary to keep evolving and moving forward. This way, you will always be able to compete with your already well established industry rivals.

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