How To Blog In 4 Easy Steps So You Can Monetize It

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So you have finally decided to start your own blog, but what should you write about? It’s one of the first questions that everyone wants to be answered when starting their own blog. Luckily there are a few tips and tricks out there to help guide you in the right direction.

The following list will break down how to monetize your blog in 4 simple steps!

     1) Choose A Topic    

First thing’s first, what do you want to write about? You don’t have to go grab a bucket load of topics just yet; pick out 3-5 ideas for now, then use those as a base for future posts. If this is your first time blogging, then that’s fine; it’s perfectly normal not to have your exact topic chosen. Instead, focus on what you want to talk about in the long term and narrow it down later.

The important part is that you keep track of your chosen topics so you can come back to them later for future posts. The last thing you want is to be stuck with nothing to write about! 

     2) Research Your Market    

Now that you know what kind of articles you want to create, the next step is researching your market or audience. Who exactly are you writing for? What would they like reading? Are there other blogs in your field currently doing well? These are all questions that need answering before coming up with ideas for your Content.

     3) Create Content    

This is the fun part! Now that you have your topic and audience figured out, all that’s left is to create the Content. Before starting any new posts, think about what you already know about your chosen topic, then research more if needed. If there are other blogs in your field, then see how they write their articles and keep an eye on their success.

     4) Promote Your Blog    

Congratulations! You’ve finally finished writing your first blog post; now it’s time to promote it so people can actually read it! The main thing to remember with promoting anything online is, don’t spam people, it doesn’t work anymore. You need to give them a reason or incentive for sharing your articles, so make sure to add a share button to every piece of Content you make.

The other essential part of promoting is finding your target audience and posting in the right places. For example, don’t post an article about makeup tips on a tech blog’s Facebook page. That’s not where anyone looking for makeup advice will be!

Monetization can now happen through Google Ads management services. You’ll get paid for running ads on your Blog!

Repeat The Process    

Just like any successful business, writing articles doesn’t stop once you reach success with one blog post; instead, keep creating new posts regularly to keep up interest. If there isn’t new Content, then people won’t find your site when searching for information on your topic. A simple tip for this is to aim for at least 2-3 articles per week, it may seem like a lot, but it quickly adds up and will keep your audience coming back for more.

In Closing

Keep in mind that it takes time and practice to master any writing skill, but the amount of success you see is directly related to how much effort you put into your Content. If you can stick with these key points, then you will be well on your way to creating a blog that people love!

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