How To Effectively Use Social Media To Market Your Business

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Social media is something that we all use in our daily lives, for personal and professional reasons. When it comes to your business, there is arguably nothing more important than your social media presence, and if you don’t pull this off well, then it could really damage your brand. Whilst many people believe that they’ve got their social media profiles covered, there are some things that you really need to remember if you want to build your online presence into one of the leading ways that your business draws in new clients and customers. Here’s how you can do it.

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Post regularly

If you really want to make sure that your brand does well on social media, then you need to be posting at least a few times a week. You shouldn’t go overboard here, as you don’t want to end up annoying people, but regular updates will really help to ensure that your brand sticks in people’s minds. Knowing what to post about can be difficult, but think about professional, important updates, that will draw in the attention of your followers. If you’re really stuck when it comes down to posting things on your social channels, then look into companies that could do your social media management for you.

Use all channels

If you’re not using every single channel that’s out there, then you’re really missing out on an opportunity to grow your customer base. Don’t think that you don’t need something like Twitter, as this could be where most of your customers (and potential customers) actually are. Try out a few of them, and see what works for you. If you’re not getting the reaction that you thought you would for your ads, then that may be the time to consider closing some of your accounts. However, before you write something off, try it! Facebook and Instagram are probably the most popular for small businesses, but you never know what will work for you.

Look into paid ads

Sometimes, you’re going to have to pay out a little if you want to see a good return from social media. Paid ads on Facebook and Instagram usually work pretty well, and Facebook is probably your best bet if you really want to tailor them to the audience that you think would be most interested in your brand. Whilst it can seem like a big cost, make sure that you have room for paid ads in your marketing budget. If you don’t, you’ll just be posting out to the same people, without ever really getting attention from those new customers, who may be interested in what you have to offer.

Carry out A/B testing

A/B testing, mainly used on Facebook, is a great way to see what the audience of your brand actually is. Another name for it is split testing, and it’s basically when you test two different ads alongside each other with small variations, so that you can see which one is more successful. For example, you could put two ads out with different designs, or you could target different age ranges, or perhaps different genders. You can change pretty much any variable, but it’s important to make sure that you don’t change things too much. If you do this, then you won’t be able to tell what the successful variable actually was, and your test will be pointless!

Be consistent

More than anything, it’s vital that you make sure that your marketing is consistent. You should be using the same (or very similar) handles across all of the social media platforms, and you should also make sure that your images are professional, and are the same throughout. It’s a good idea to post the same content across every platform that you can, too – perhaps slightly adjusted for Twitter’s character limit – so that you can reach more people with a particular post, and see how well it fares across each channel. Marketing yourself consistently is one of the most important things that you can do, as it will make your brand look professional.

So, if you want to effectively use social media to market your business, then remember these simple tips. Though you may think that it’s just about posting on your accounts sometimes, social media is a lot more complex, and getting it right could mean a massive boost in your sales. See how these things could help you to gain the following that your brand deserves online, and the subsequent sales that will help to keep your business going strong in the future!

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