How to Nail Your Sales Follow-Up Process

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Sales is a long process and it’s unlikely that you will close the deal during your first interaction with a client. Sometimes, you might get lucky but, most of the time, you need to keep them interested and then contact them again in the near future to close. That’s why the follow-up after the initial meeting is so crucial. This small thing determines whether they leave with a positive feeling and if they even remember you in the first place. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses lose significant sales because their follow-up process isn’t up to scratch. If you have been losing a lot of sales recently, here’s how to nail your follow-up process. 

Make Yourself Easy To Reach

Some clients just need a bit of time to think things over before they come back to you. Others might want to ask a few more questions before making a decision. So, before you think about contacting them, make sure that they can easily contact you, if necessary. Using electronic business cards is the best way forward here. Instead of just giving a phone number, you can provide all of your contact details and your website and social media pages. Having a modern alternative makes you look more professional and offering more ways to get in touch means that you are more likely to hear from the client. 

Don’t Be Too Pushy

This is probably one of the most common mistakes that sales professionals make. They want to close the deal so they keep on calling or sending emails, insisting that you need their product. This isn’t the right way forward. Instead, try to get them to see why they should be using your product instead of what they are currently using. Show them what you can do for them and how much better their life could be if they bought your product/service. Be patient with them and only contact them again when they seem interested in buying something from you. Show that you are curious about their business and how you can help solve their problems. However, don’t wait too long either because many clients will lose interest if they feel like you aren’t serious about selling anything to them.

Use A Variety Of Solution-Focused Methods

Sometimes, a client wants information about your product or service but they don’t want to take the next step just yet. In this case, send them some interesting articles and other materials related to what you sell so that they keep thinking about it.

You can also get in touch with passive clients after a few weeks/months of not contacting them by sending them a letter that reminds them of who you are and what you do. You could even include some free services or another freebie to get their attention again if they’ve been ignoring everything else up until now. 

Using different follow-up methods and, most importantly, making those methods solution-focused is the key here. You need to demonstrate to the client how your product will solve their specific problems instead of giving vague information about how great it is. 

By nailing your follow-up process, you can make a big difference to your overall sales levels. 

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