Making It Personal: Stay In Touch To Stay Relevant 

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Have you got a large following to your business? Just how many of those people that follow you on social media do you think are active customers? Consumers are always going to be interested in different companies after all they want the most amount of options. However, getting their allegiance is different to get their attention. They have so much information thrown at them, you can’t expect them all to take your business more seriously than the other competition. Focus on maintaining contact with them and every now and then, give them something to think about. This needs to be done on a personal level, so each consumer feels as if they are being contacted by you for a reason. Personalizing your email marketing campaign is one way to stay relevant in their eyes.

Make it personal

After having got their data, you should be wary of what kind of person somebody might be. One way to personalize an email is to personalize the offers you make to them. If they have a male name, you should try to market something masculine to them. For example, you would send out an email that offers discounts on your clothing brand’s dresses to a woman and perhaps plaid shirts to a man. You would also want to refer to them by their first name, and not their profile user account nickname or their email address. Their location is also something to mention, such as “next day shipping to …..”. And of course, based on their past purchases, you should offer them something similar. You can even start off an email by saying “Hi Kevin, you bought ‘x’ last time, so you might also want to check out ….”

Hearing the echo

The thing about email marketing that can make some business owners think twice despite the fact that it’s one of the more cheaper ways of marketing is that you don’t know if it’s being effective or not until later on. However, email marketing is very advanced nowadays and you have tracking tools at your disposal. These can give you information on how many of the emails you sent out have actually been opened. Some people might delete them even before opening them if the title sounds generic. Others may not have accessed their email in a long time. Regardless, you can an accurate picture of just how many people are actively opening your emails.

Always have a purpose

Non-effective campaigns are down to one reason almost always. They are verging on pointless. You shouldn’t be email marketing without a real purpose, you have to have something going on that warrants you entering into someone’s inbox. A discount, seasonal products, clearance sale, new products are some of the more effective contents of emails. Sending out an email just to stay in the minds of consumers will be sidelined as it just feels like spam.

Email marketing is a great way of staying relevant as you personalize your relationship with the customer. Use their location, gender and previous purchasing habits to give them something new but familiar. Use advanced tools to check up on how many people are opening up your message and get an accurate picture of how effective your campaigns could be.

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