Making Money From Twitter Is Easy

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Sponsored Tweets Early Bird SignupTwitter is all the rage – you know that. Now, here’s a great way to make money from twitter. I’m sure you guys have read about or seen the different eBooks and courses about Twitter Marketing and making money from twitter, so you can add this one to that pile but making money from Twitter just became easier than those others.

Izea, the company behind PayPerPost and Social Spark, have launched Sponsored Tweets – another Ted Murphy idea!

SponsoredTweets is similar to the other services Izea has in which you sign up as a “tweeter” and give SponsoredTweets access to your Twitter account through the API. Then as offers come in through their service that meet your criteria, you get notified by either a DM on Twitter or email and you can accept or deny them. Finally, you post the tweet to your account you get paid.

There are two ways to make money from Twitter when using Sponsored Tweets.

  • Charge Per Tweet – this is the amount that you want to earn for each tweet you send out. As an example, when I signed up for the service, my “CPT” was recommended at $3.33. You can obviously change this yourself or just let it roll. The starting rate is based on your Twitter account – number of followers, etc. Some people are reporting great pay outs from sponsors such as Shoemoney who reported $250 for posting a tweet about K-Mart.
  • Charge Per Click – this is the minimum you want to be paid when you being paid per click. Again, when I signed up, this was automatically set at $0.13 for each click. I’m going to leave it here to see how it goes.

Two types of offers

When you sign up, you have a choice to make about the types of offers you get – you either have the ability to edit or write the tweet/ad that you post to your account or you just have to post what the advertiser provides. But, the best part is that you can select to have either type of tweets, so you’re making your chances better.

Minimum payout is $50.00, which seems pretty high when similar services offer a payout of $20.00.

Sponsored Tweets Early Bird SignupAnyway, I’ve signed up for the service and will report back how it goes. I suggest checking it out if you are into Twitter and social media, as well as if you have a pretty good following because you can quickly make some decent money from Twitter with little effort!

Click the bird to make it happen!

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