The Future of SEO Strategies for Business

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SEO and digital marketing don’t stand still, the search engine algorithms are updated regularly to take account of the latest technologies and trends. Whether your business operates predominantly online or offline you need an effective SEO strategy these days, below you can find out about some of the latest SEO developments and what you need to do to modernize.  

Video SEO 

In the last few years, video has become an indispensable SEO tool, and for very good reasons. Video not only engages viewers effortlessly, but it’s also perfect for imparting information. The trouble is, how can you use your videos to rank on the search engine results – Google knows! 

There are two new SEO practices that have been introduced in the latest Google algorithm, these are Seek Markup and Clip Markup. Seek Markup tells Google about your URL so it can identify key moments in your video and Clip Markup helps Google to identify timestamps.    

Multitask United Model (MUM)

Google has a reputation for keeping its algorithm under wraps, at least until future versions and updates appear that renders older algorithms obsolete. However, even the older Google algorithms can offer hints about how the systems work and what you can expect in the future. 

Before the Multitask United Model (MUM) algorithm can into play, Google used one called BERT. Apparently, the MUM system is 1000 times more powerful than BERT especially when it comes to language processing, so make your content more relevant for passage indexing.  

Passage Indexing

Passage Indexing is a logical progression for search engine ranking technology based on the latest development. Artificial intelligence is now sophisticated enough to imitate much of the written content on the web and reproduce it coherently resulting in passage indexing tech.

This is the process of using AI to assess the quality and relevance of individual passages within a text. The algorithm can now identify the relevance of short passages and paragraphs in articles and rank them individually as featured snippets, making searches more efficient.     

Core Web Vitals   

The Google algorithm has undergone a shift in recent times, a shift from content and relevance to user experience. That’s not to say that quality and relevance is no longer useful, in fact, it’s still the primary ranking factor, but Core Web Vitals are equally important for SEO strategies. 

Core Web Vitals include Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. These are the main criteria you need to satisfy on a website to provide a user-friendly experience for visitors according to Google. Contact a Creative Agency to develop your CWVs. 

User Intent 

What keywords do you use when you want to find a falafel shop in your local area or a computer rapier shop? Chances are you search for something like falafel places near me or computer repair services in [PLACE]. This is what is called search intent, and it’s important for SEO. 

The Google algorithm is optimized for user intent so if you want to streamline your website’s SEO services you need to research your keywords with user intent in mind. What product can services do you provide and what keywords are your customers likely to input when searching. 

Customer Analytics 

Keywords are important for user intent and search engine rankings, but that’s not all you need to rank well on the search engines. Nowadays, websites have a range of customer analytics tools that allow owners to view visitor behavior on the page as well as various demographics. 

If you want to optimize your SEO strategy and improve your search engine ranking it makes sense to use everything that customer analytics has to offer. The more information you are able to extract from customers the better you can optimize your business for them and rank better. 

Brand Optimization

Of course, it’s important to have a focused brand that lines up with your business image and online personality, but brand optimization has evolved in recent times. No longer is brand optimization about the business, website, and offline store, it’s also about online integration. 

The latest Google algorithms take everything into account, they look at how your website performs in terms of keywords and engagement, but they also look at backlinks and how interconnected your brand is online. Make sure all your social media account are optimized. 

Mobile SEO 

With over 6 billion people worldwide using smartphones, mobile technology simply can’t be ignored. Not only is mobile technology convenient but many people these days use it primarily for surfing the web, working, and finding local businesses. So you need a mobile SEO strategy. 

First, ensure that your website has a mobile alternative. A mobile website is simpler and bolder than the desktop version, it’s also optimized for mobile use. The latest Google algorithms take this into account and rank your business according to overall user experience, including mobile. 

Adapt and Execute 

When it comes to SEO and digital marketing the landscape never stands still, there is always more to know and more to learn; furthermore, you need to make sure that your business is continually optimized and relevant so you drive the right traffic to your website every month. 

You can’t afford to stand still either when it comes to the digital marketing of your business. Don’t think of your SEO strategy as complete, but only ever updated. Your business marketing strategy is always a work in progress that will need to be adapted and executed regularly.  


Almost any process and job can be automated these days, while it doesn’t automatically follow that automation is the best way forward, it does have some advantages that can’t be ignored. When you automate your processes it leaves more time to run other aspects of your business. 

Take customer services, for instance, this is one aspect of e-commerce that absorbs so much of your time and resources, but using chatbots you can step away from the customer service responsibilities and use your time to grow the business while the chatbots talk to the customers.  

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