What’s Halting Your Business’ Productivity?

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If your business is to reach its full potential, then you need to be operating with high levels of productivity. Nevertheless, all companies do struggle with periods whereby their productivity levels are lower than usual. There are a number of reasons why this could be the case, and you need to get to the bottom of the cause if you are to get your productivity levels back to where they should be. So, let’s take a look at the different reasons why your productivity could be suffering…

The office environment – It could be the office itself that is having a negative impact on employees. Is it cluttered? Clutter is one of the biggest productivity halters because it stops people from being able to think clearly. Instead, it makes them irritated and frustrated. Perhaps your office simply needs some new life breathed into it? A bit of a refresh can work wonders now and again.

You are yet to move to the cloud – Transitioning to the cloud may be a scary prospect, but it is one that can benefit your business in a number of days, and boosting productivity is a prime example of this. Do you still use a bog standard fax? If so, by embracing desktop faxing, you will not only eliminate paper waste, but you will be able to handle communications much more efficiently. This is just one example of how moving to the cloud can help your business to achieve more. It also increases collaboration, enabling employees to work productively with one and other no matter where they are based.

Your employees do not feel appreciated – This is a big one! If your employees do not feel appreciated, they are going to be less willing to work hard for you, and this is probably why your productivity has taken a dive. A simple ‘thank you’ can go a very long way. However, if you have burnt bigger bridges than this, why not organize a staff party or event to make everyone feel special?

People respond to emails whenever they come through – You would be surprised by how much time this wastes! Instead, why not dedicate a certain time period throughout the day whereby workers respond to emails? Of course, for those in customer facing positions, this does not apply. However, if it won’t impact customer service or business in any way, assign an hour throughout each day for email checking online. This will enable people to get on with their tasks without interruption.

You’re making people work overtime instead of evaluating the work process – You have probably heard the saying work smarter, not harder. This most certainly applies if you want to boost productivity. Working overtime will not achieve anything if your processes are inefficient to begin with; it will probably just make your workers even more annoyed.

Hopefully, you have now got to the bottom of why your productivity levels are lower than usual. Use the advice that has been provided to get your business back on track so that you can start reaching your targets more efficiently.


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