4 Steps to a Greener Working from Home Set-Up

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There are so many advantages to working from home these days and it is becoming increasingly popular amongst most corporate workers and business owners. Employees are always looking for ways to reduce their overheads and having you work remotely is certainly one tried and tested way. However, you will then need to reassess your working environment and make sure you are monitoring your energy consumption carefully. You might notice that your bills start to increase when you are working from home more frequently, so it’s time to re-evaluate your set-up, to make sure you are adopting greener and energy efficient habits.

1. Assess Your Tech

When you need to work on a computer all day at home you will need to find a way to save energy so you aren’t draining a tonne of power. Keeping your technology up to date and carrying out regular updates will help with this, so keep finding ways to speed up macOS Mojave and make your computer more efficient. The slower your computer, the more energy it will need to consume to stay up and running. Try not to keep your laptop plugged in all day either as this will have a long term effect on its battery life. Charge up your laptop to almost 100% and then allow the battery to drain naturally; be sure to unplug your chargers from the wall too so that you’re not being wasteful.

2. Temperature Control

You need to make sure you are working in a comfortable environment so that you can concentrate and feel productive. If your home is too warm or cold you won’t be able to function properly and get through your workload. Similarly, you don’t want to be wasting energy either so make sure you are doing everything you can to be savvy. In the winter, you should use draught blockers around your doorways to prevent the heat from entering or escaping your cosy room. Use timers to set your heating to come on and off throughout the day so you aren’t wasting it when you’re not in the house.

3. Energy Efficiency

If you aren’t already using energy efficient light bulbs in your home, then it’s time to make the switch right now. This will help you to save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint whilst you work at home. Energy saving light bulbs aren’t any more expensive to buy than regular bulbs so make the switch today. Make sure you always turn off your lights when you leave the room as well so you’re not being wasteful.

4. Water Watch

When you’re at home all day you would be surprised at how much water you use up. If you’re working from home frequently, you might want to think about how you can reduce your water consumption. You can get special fittings for your taps and showers and also make sure you are being mindful when washing up. Just a few small changes to your normal routine will help to save on your bills.

So enjoy your working from home set-up and reduce your carbon footprint all at the same time.

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