Excellent Reasons Why You Don’t Need A Full-Time Office Anymore

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Do you still need an office?

A few years ago, a dedicated office was essential for most workplaces. They were a place to sit and work, and were necessary spaces for business meetings. However, fast forward a few years, and we are in a very different position. The workplace has changed, and technologies have advanced enough to make the idea of working in a full-time office nearly redundant.

Going into further detail, here are some excellent reasons why you should consider closing down your office space.

Home-working is the ‘new thing’

Thanks to the latest in cloud technology, many aspects of business can be carried out at home. Virtual meetings are possible thanks to video communication software such as Zoom, and projects and documents can easily be collaborated on over the cloud, using Google Docs and the like. While working in the office all day could be unhealthy, employees are less likely to fall ill, as the home is generally a less stressful environment. They don’t have to suffer the torment of the daily commute either.

We have a new generation of workers

The majority of our workforce in the next few years will be millennials. These are the people who have grown up with the newest tech, and are comfortable using a variety of social platforms. Having their finger on the pulse, they are less likely to want to work in an office environment all day long, so organizations need to adapt if they want to get the newest and freshest minds onto their teams.

There are other places to base operations

We have advocated the benefits of working from home, but this isn’t always practical. Meetings with business clients still need to be held, so holding them in an employee’s home may not be the best solution, especially when trying to convey professionalism. This is where a private office rental can come in handy, a place with all the necessary facilities to carry out ‘office functions’ on a temporary basis. For some people, working from home is difficult, especially if there are distractions present. However, work can still continue at the aforementioned private office space, or anywhere else where a wifi connection is present, such as a café or library.

Companies save money

This is something at the forefront of many business leaders minds. Where can cutbacks be made? By getting workers out of the office, there will be an upturn in finances. For starters, there will be less to pay on utility bills, especially where electricity is concerned. Simple office expenses, such as internet costs and travel expenses will also be reduced. It may even be possible to move out of the office permanently, reducing every other expense that comes from owning or renting an office space.

Employees will be more productive

Without the need to waste time commuting to work every day, employees will have more time to get on with the essential aspects of work. Due to the health benefits of working from home (or anywhere outside the office norms), a more relaxed employee is less likely to take time off sick, and will have the energy and impetus to work harder from where they are.


As you have seen, there are some excellent reasons why working from a full-time office space is no longer a requirement, for many companies at least. Consider where you work, be you an office worker or a business leader, and consider the points we have made. Are you reading this from your regular office? Perhaps you don’t need to be.

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