Learning From The Best: How to Educate Yourself On Business

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Education has become a very expensive enterprise. Whether you study at a university or take online courses, you will likely be dedicating a large amount of money to educating yourself on your chosen subject. For many people, there is not even a choice as to whether they can study to improve themselves and have a better career; education, for some, is simply unaffordable. Those who do choose a four year education or a series of online courses are often rewarded by a serious amount of debt which can accumulate over time and take a lifetime to pay off. It’s safe to say that education is a double edged sword in this day and age.

Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels

If you want a career in business or entrepreneurship, it’s time to start educating yourself alongside any studies or work you already undertake. The world of business and capital is evolving faster than we can understand, and if you aren’t up to date, you’re out of date. But the issue still remains: how can we be ‘in the know’ without racking up even more student debt? Here are a few helpful hacks for educating yourself on business.

TED Talks

‘Thanks for coming to my TED Talk’ has become somewhat of a meme – due to the ubiquitous nature of these lecture-style talks on YouTube. TED Talks have become increasingly popular due to their accessibility and fascinating content. There are talks on absolutely every subject imaginable – modelling, board games, capitalism, North Korea, aquatic life… The selection is huge. So how can you learn about business from a TED Talk?

Consider a TED Talk like a university lecture. There are many hugely successful business owners who have delivered popular TED Talks on the subject. Don’t just watch these absent-mindedly – make notes. Do research on the topics raised afterwards. Be proactive in learning from this amazing free tool which gives you access to advice from the best in business.

Reading Interviews

If you are an avid reader who wants to learn about business, why not seek out interviews with the top CEOs and business investors in the world? CEOs such as Deepak Agarwal have delivered fascinating interviews and written in-depth papers about their success stories. Using the internet to access the inner workings of successful businesses will broaden your knowledge and strengthen your ambitions at every turn.


If you want to learn more about how businesses work, it’s time to start collaborating. Nobody ever built a successful business totally alone; it takes dedicated communication and teamwork to achieve success. In the time of coronavirus, it is very hard to find new people to meet and chat to – but using social media sites such as Linkedin, it’s always possible. You could create a book club for business-related publications, at which you can discuss your interpretations of the author’s ideas for successful business. When there’s a will, there’s a way – so start carving out your own path for success today.

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One Response to Learning From The Best: How to Educate Yourself On Business

  1. Jayson Rathbone September 19, 2020 at 9:53 am #

    Yes, I fully support it!
    As a businessman, you have to be an educated and versatile person. In this case, being educated does not mean higher education. Reading professional literature, communicating, and exchanging experience with professionals is what you need. When you know one way of doing business, you will definitely make mistakes. When you know several ways, you can choose and combine.
    I love TEDTalks (but who doesn’t?). So many useful speeches are concentrated in one place. It is just an inexhaustible source of experience and inspiration.

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