Male-Dominated Fields Where Women Can Succeed

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In 2018 it would be lovely to say that men and women are treated equally in the workplace. That the same opportunities exist regardless of gender and that everyone gets paid the same. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Women are still fighting for more money and better hours. Wanting to be treated the same as men. Of course, some industries are still dominated by one gender. More nurses and midwives are women, early years educators and primary school teachers tend to be women, and many industries are still largely dominated by men.

But, in some of these male-dominated sectors, some women thrive. They love their jobs, they enjoy working with men or in traditionally male roles, they are treated well, and they are happy in their work. Here are a few of the male-dominated industries where women can succeed and shouldn’t be scared to approach.


Driving a heavy goods vehicle has always been something that has mainly appealed to men. There’s a male atmosphere around stops and bases, there can be a lot of heavy lifting, and women may feel unsafe alone on the road for long periods of time.

But, this doesn’t need to be the case. There’s always help in the case of a serious truck accident, which is rare, lifting is minimal and often aided by equipment, and the trucker community is friendly and largely very welcoming of women. There are even female managed and dominated truck companies all over the world. Many female truck drivers enjoy their work and relish time alone on the road.


Traditionally marketing has been a boy’s club. Top marketing agents working for large companies are often men, and this filters right down to the lowest ranks. However, more and more women are joining the profession as more marketing work is done online.

Working in digital marketing, as a social media manager or working for a marketing firm gives many women the opportunities to work flexibly around their family commitments. While many other industries are still frighteningly behind the times when it comes to offering flexible working hours, this can be very appealing.

Women can do a lot of their work from home or remotely, while taking care of their children and families, working hours to suit them and only having to go into the office for meetings and presentations. Working from home, either for a company or freelance also reduces the risk of any gender bias or discrimination.


Most surgeons are men. This has always been the case. In part because of that same boy’s club atmosphere, but also because the long hours and unsociable working times make it difficult for women to pursue this career path once they’ve had children. But, it’s certainly not impossible now childcare is more readily available, and more men are staying home with the kids. Women can make excellent surgeons. Their logical minds, steady hands and abilities to focus under extreme pressure are obvious advantages.

Other male-dominated industries that are seeing a rise in the number of female employees include car sales, sports and mechanics.

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