Reduce Office Relocation Woes With These Smart Tactics

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If you want a smooth office move, then you have come to the right place. Keep reading for some invaluable advice. 

Do your research 

Reducing the stress involved in moving office locations begins at the very start of the process when you are comparing possible site options. You can save a great deal of hassle by picking the one that hits the most criteria possible. 

Criteria that you need to assess your new office site choice against will include cost, size, and how easy it is to reach. Indeed, accessibility is vital if you want to make sure your workforce can get to work on time each day. Happily, you can work out this often complicated calculation with ease by using a tool called a distance matrix. Read more about distance matrix API limits and what this type of tool can be used for, by clicking the link. Then you can be sure that you will choose a site that will positively affect the way your business runs.  

Get organized 

If you want minimal office relocation woes you will need to be organized from the get-go. This means creating inventories of the items you will be moving to the next site, as well as a checklist of tasks you will need to complete before moving day such as telling your customers where your new site is located and arranging for the power to be turned off. 

The good news is that there are some easy to use apps that can help you with this process, ensuring you stay as organized as possible through the entire move. 

Set a timescale 

Just like any well-managed project, an office move needs to have a set timescale to work to. This will give you a clear idea of when each task needs to be completed, as well as inform you as to how much time you will have for moving days. 

Image by Dorigo from Pixabay

Of course, it is usually the case that you need to move as quickly as possible because while things are in a state of flux you will not be able to fully operate your business, and so will be losing money. To that end, be sure to track your timeline and regularly check-in to make sure you are on target and have not left anything undone, that could delay the move itself. 

Recruit some help 

Lastly, you can reduce office revocation woes by making sure you have enough of the right kind of help. That means picking a removal company that is experienced in office moves and understands that time pressures are involved. 

Indeed, working with a professional removal company will not only help things go faster, but it will ensure your employees are protected from some of the more dangerous aspects of removals such as heavy lifting, something that can help to keep them and your business safe from liability. 

Another reason to recruit the help of professional office movers is that they will be able to provide all the packing materials that you need. This usually includes not only cardboard boxes but plastic crates, trollies, and any specialist items such as low static packing for IT equipment and servers. 

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