What would I do different if I had to start my blog over? – Seth Godin

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Darren at ProBlogger.net is running a series of one question interviews with different well known bloggers. He has recently been asking them “What would I do different if I had to start my blog over?” and today he has a response from Seth Gordin that I think is the perfect answer for the question and shows how great the idea behind blogging really is.

The following is an answer from Seth Godin responding to my one question interview question of what he’d do differently if he had to start his blog over again.

“The best things about blogs is that you get to “start them again” every day, and I do. So when there’s something I don’t like, I can change it!

Maybe, if I had to pick something, it would be directing to a domain I own (sethgodin.com) instead of sethgodin.typepad.com.”

Darren also has responses from other great bloggers, so be sure to head to his site and check them out!

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