4 Scandals You Need To Dodge In Your Business

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A business scandal could rock your company to the core and cause a serious hit to your profits. To avoid a scandal you need to know the common issues and areas where your business might be left vulnerable. 

Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels


First, you need to consider the problem of injuries in your business. Over the past few years, numerous companies have been inundated with personal injury claims. This can cost companies thousands in damages and also damage their reputation. If you are worried about the possibility of injuries in your business, you might want to consult an outside. A company like Carlos Ramirez Safety can provide the support that you need and help reduce the chances of injuries occurring on your business property. 


Next, you need to make sure that you are taking the right steps to reduce issues with harassment in your business. A light has been shone on this issue thanks to the ‘Me Too’ movement that rocked Hollywood. It quickly spread to other industries too and an issue here could lead to a massive headache for your business. The best way to avoid problems is to make sure that you do adopt a zero tolerance policy in terms of issues such as harassment and bullying. Remember, as a business owner, you do have a responsibility to keep your employees safe. This includes their mental health. 


Cyber crime is becoming a major issue in virtually every industry. Indeed, this year, one report has suggested there will be a hack on a company every 20 seconds. However, that doesn’t mean that the hacks will be successful. You need to make sure that you are investing the right level of time and money into keeping your business secure for everyone including your business customers. You can’t afford to leave them in a situation where their data could be stolen. If this happens then they are unlikely to give your company a second chance and will likely warn others about your business as well.

Unfair Practices 

Finally, as tempting as it might be, you need to avoid falling into the trap of using unfair labour laws in your business. It’s possible to do this if you are using an outsourcing service for elements of your model like production. For instance, there are numerous big brands that outsource production overseas to access more relaxed labor laws. If you fall into this trap, you should expect some rather unpleasant news stories about your business in the not too distant future. You need to make sure that your business is seen as fair. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the steps that you can take to avoid some of the more common scandals in your business model. In doing so, you can make sure that your business does stay out of the spotlight. Remember, if you are getting negative press the best way to deal with it is to drum up some positive stories. It’s never too late to give your company a philanthropic angle, perhaps by getting involved in some charity work. 

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