4 Sure-Fire Ways To Motivate Your Team

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If there is one thing that all businesses want, it is to turn over more profit.

One of the best ways of achieving profit is to increase productivity. You can do this by putting systems in place and using the best in modern technology. 

However, even with the best resources in place, you may still miss your potential if your employees are not motivated. 

So, how do you ensure that your team is fully motivated at all times?

Here are four sure-fire ways to motivate your team.

Use Constructive Feedback 

If there is one thing that will demotivate your team, it is to hear that they are not doing a good job. Nobody wants to think of themselves as a failure. However, when your employees are missing the mark, how do you tell them?

Address issues in your team by using a mixture of positive and constructive feedback

For example, first of all, you should highlight something that the employee did well. Then, talk to them about what they could improve on, but specifically, tell them how they should improve. Use positive language throughout. 

Leave the conversation on a positive note by highlighting something else that they did well.

Incentive Your Workforce 

Sure, your team gets paid. That should be enough to motivate them to work, right? 

Well, ask yourself whether you are paying your team enough. Even if you’re paying a competitive rate, people still have growing financial needs. Having a bonus scheme will financially incentivize your workers to try harder. 
Gifts work well too, and they don’t have to be big. Sometimes pins and badges can help your team to feel more connected. You can find a range of them here.

Or, instead of financial incentives, why not offer up prizes. The chance to travel (https://www.mtievents.com/employee-incentives/travel-incentive-program/) may be a great incentive to motive your team. 

Listen to Your Team 

Your employees need to feel as though they are heard and that they are relevant to your business. One of the ways that you can make your team feel wanted and important is by listening to them. 

Foster an approach that allows your team to come and talk to you whenever they need to. 

You can do this by always asking their opinions. Whenever you have a major change in the business, consult with your employees first. If you are briefing your team on anything, always ask for their thoughts, input, and feedback. 

When your employees talk to you about anything, make sure that you listen to them. Thank them for their contribution and take everything that they say on board. Avoid using phrases that may be considered as dismissive. 

Set Goals and Objectives

If you don’t know what you’re aiming for, how are you going to hit it? Having aims and objectives is an essential way to give your employees the metrics they need to work towards your goals. 

Be sure and update them on their progress as often as possible and provide all of the tools and resources needed for them to hit their target. 

Mix It Up 

Of course, you will need to work out what your team responds to best. Spend some time learning and use a mixture of different approaches so that you cater to all of your team’s needs. 

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