4 Tips For Avoiding Copyright Issues As A Start-up Brand

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Photo by olia danilevich

For new brands, understanding copyright issues is essential to avoiding any legal snags that could jeopardize your business. Copyright laws are designed to protect the creators of original works of literature, music, art, and other forms of creative work.

Because of this, it’s imperative to exercise caution when using someone else’s creation without authorization because doing so could lead to costly future legal issues. While you’re unlikely to rip other business blogs for your own content, or steal work from someone else, it’s important to know that using images as part of your branding despite not being clear about their copyright status, playing music in your stores or even using the work of someone else as inspiration can lead you into hot water.

Here are some guidelines for safeguarding your startup brand against copyright issues:

Understand The Basics Of Copyright Law

Before you can successfully avoid copyright issues, you must have a fundamental understanding of how copyright law functions. Generally speaking, copyright law gives the author of an original work the only right to reproduce, distribute, and sell the work.

This indicates that you must first have the creator’s permission or the permission of the copyright holder in order to use someone else’s work. When purchasing work from an artist, you will also need to purchase the rights to use it for commercial applications; and they will be able to make this clear in the contract you sign. If not, don’t use that artist.

When Possible, Use Original Content

The best way to avoid copyright issues is to use original content that you have written yourself. Then you are 100% certain it’s original and yours to use. Producing your own creative pieces of art, music, and other forms of expression falls under this category. 

If you have a dab hand at blog writing on your team, asking them to pen a few posts could be ideal, for example. You might even write your own jingle if you have any musical skill. By doing this, you can stop worrying about infringing on other people’s copyright and protect your own work from being used without your consent by using this system yourself.

Ask For Permission Before Using Someone Else’s Creation

If you do need to use someone else’s creation, it’s critical to get their permission first. In order to do this, you must contact the author or copyright holder and ask for permission to use the work. In certain cases, the author might agree to grant you permission without charging you, but in other cases, they might request cash in exchange for letting you use their work.

Better yet, some services make this easy. If you hopeto play music in your storefront, for instance, XM for business services will give you the exact rights you need to play the latest, trendy tunes.

Utilize Creations That Covered By A Creative Commons License

Another method to prevent copyright issues is to use works that are in the public domain or with a Creative Commons license. Public domain works are no longer protected by copyright laws and can be used without limitation by anybody. Look at the main image to this article, it has been sourced through creative commons, for example

The public domain is often open and worthwhile too, and guides like this can help you.

With this advice, you’re sure to avoid copyright issues as a startup.

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