6 Best Practices for Screening Potential Employees

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A business is built on a foundation of great employees. No company can expect to excel without excellent, creative and determined employees. Right now, the United States is facing an unprecedented labor crisis brought on by the public’s new understanding of equitable wages. Because of this new awareness, businesses are having trouble hiring and retaining quality employees.

The burden of attracting and ensuring great employees flock to your job vacancies falls on your business. Aside from providing them with a livable wage, you should also step up your interview and job application process to ensure that only applicants who are the best fit join your company’s ranks.

Below are six of the best tips you should keep in mind when you are sorting through potential employees.

Confirm Everything

It’s better to be safe than sorry, as the adage goes and everything on an applicant’s resume must be confirmed. Did they mention excelling in their college courses or their SHS GAS? Did they say they wrote a piece for a publication? What position and responsibilities did they hold in their previous company? According to experts, 5 percent of people lie in their job applications, which is 5 percent too many. You should do your due diligence and independently verify all this information if you don’t want to take risks.

Skip Vague Questions

Forget about questions like “what is your greatest strength” and “would you consider yourself a team player”. These questions are not only difficult to answer, but they can also tell you almost nothing about your applicant.

Instead of wasting you and your applicant’s time, be straightforward. Instead of asking for their greatest strength, ask them if they can use the software your company uses. Ask them if they can work weekends instead of posing vague questions about their commitment. It always pays well to be concise and straightforward, especially when it comes to job interviews.

Use Tests

Unless you’re only screening for candidate’s clerical skills, you should employ multiple kinds of tests to determine the suitability of your job applicants. Make sure to mention that testing is part of your job application process on your vacancy posts. You should also do your best to ensure that the tests are customized to gauge the skills necessary for each position.

For example, if you are looking for a pastry chef for your bakery business, you can ask them to cook a particular recipe while you oversee. Tests can reveal whether an applicant is truly as skilled as they said they are on their resumes.

Stagger Interviewees

Interviews are crucial portions of the job application process and you should not skip them for any reason. However, you must never schedule more interviews than you can mentally and physically handle.

You need to be at peak awareness through every interview if you want to ask the right question and pick up on subtle cues from the applicant’s words and body language. If you force yourself to interview too many people on the same day, you may makepoor hiring decisions. Be kind to yourself and don’t take on too many interviewees.

Check References

A job applicant’s references are an excellent way to ascertain if they excelled in their previous positions. However, some employers may not take the time to check these sources unless they’re hiring for managerial or similar positions.

You may think that it’s a waste of time to check the references of potential employees who are applying for jobs that aren’t high up the hierarchy. But checking their references can tell you whether they are more capable than you think, if they are more suitable for more complex jobs or if they have neglected to inform you about problems they ran into their previous positions. Always check references and you can save yourself the trouble later on.

Discuss Salary Upfront

Finally, always discuss salary and similar financial matters directly. Ask your job applicant what salary range they are most comfortable with and present them with an accurate pay scale they can look forward to.

Be sure to tell them about other perks they can enjoy such as dental insurance, health insurance and similar features in case they don’t seem impressed by the salary. Be honest with them about your salaries and you can look forward to speedy application processes.

The business world is changing and you will need excellent employees if you want to survive in the months to come. These tips will ensure your company only takes on the best possible applicants and prevents problems from developing later on.

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