Essential In Office Services You Need This Year

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If you are a small business owner and you have recently decide to make the switch from your bedroom to an office, you might be wondering what kind of facilities and amenities you can bring into the space to make it as fun and positive for your employees as possible. Here are just some of the services you can bring into your office this year which will take your business to the next level and make your employees happy to work with you.

A nurse

One of the things not many companies think about in their offices is actually to bring a medical professional into the building to help with illnesses and injuries. If you work in a fairly high risk job role and you have a large volume of warehouse staff who lift heavy things all day, it is always helpful to have a nurse in house who can take a look at your workers when they hurt themselves. It saves a trip to the hospital and makes it easier for your workers to get the help they need right away.

A pharmacist

Alongside a nurse, a great idea for you to bring into your working environment is a pharmacist. How many of your employees have chronic illnesses and have to finish work early to grab their medicine each month? There won’t be any need for that anymore if you get a pharmacist who will dispense medication in office. It will save time, make sure your workers are healthy and it can be a great help.

A canteen

One of the main questions you might be asking yourself when you do open up an office is whether you will build a kitchen area for staff or have a canteen instead. A canteen can be incredibly good for you to have in the building because it will offer everyone freshly made food each day and drinks which will keep them sated and healthy during the working day. You can also think about the fact that you will make money if you charge at the canteen so this can be an added benefit for you as you can put this money into other parts of the business.

A wellness teacher

This one is a little bit different, however with the way people are working and feeling in this day and age it can be a wonderful idea to have. A wellness teacher will be able to hold classes each morning or at lunchtimes during the week which will teach your employees how to do yoga, how to meditate and how to use relaxation methods when they feel stressed. You will be surprised at how much of a difference this can make to your employee’s overall mood and morale in the workplace and it can truly be a wonderful thing for you to provide them with. You can work in small groups of by department and have each group gain one or two lessons a week for their own health and happiness.

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