Five Ways Technology Is Changing Your Security

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The innovations in technology are changing the way that we do – well – anything in our lives today. We shop better, work better, relax better, drive better, and we cook better all the with the help of technology. We love the fact that technology has completely changed the way that we live our lives and things that were done a certain way even a decade ago, have completely changed. The introduction of technology into more than just our working lives has changed the way that we live, and the introduction of technology into our homes has completely changed the way that we stay safe.

With the revolutionization of smartphones and tablets, our technological capabilities for security have increased tenfold. We look after our smartphones carefully, with insurance to cover us for theft and damage. But how do we protect our homes? The way that we manage our security has completely changed, with the addition of security camera systems to the alarms that we once had. We also go for smart sensors that can tell us who’s trespassing where they shouldn’t be. The digital revolution has entered the home, and here are five ways that technology is transforming our houses.

  1. Remote Monitoring. You’ve seen the doorbells with the cameras, right? Well, these are now linked on an app. You can answer the door, watch real-time images of the footage going on outside your house and you can even set the alarm – all with your smartphone from wherever you are.

  2. Smart Locking. The advent of the smart door locking systems has been some of the best new features in home security. They can tell if you’re stood by your door using the Bluetooth feature in your smartphone or key fob, and unlock your door for you.

  3. Smart Sensors. You can buy one of many home security kit that can sense your presence and open or close your door automatically. You can put these on doors and windows and use motion detectors, waves and winks to determine who you are. You can control these from your smartphone or tablet and if you are at work and the sensors are triggered, you’ll be sent a message to tell you about it.

  4. Fingerprint Scanning Systems. It’s becoming big news from those from any socioeconomic background, but fingerprint scanning has arrived in our homes. It started for us with the smartphone, and now door locks are becoming widely used for those needing a little extra security. They’re a great alternative for the remote locking systems and for those who don’t want to use Bluetooth, and they’re unique to you.

  5. Complete Systems. Home automation is happening and it’s happening right now. You can buy systems that allow you to control your lights, home temperature, cameras and locks and these can all be controlled remotely from your tablet or phone.

You want security and you want it to be smart, and the tech world is delivering on those demands. Comfort and safety are both a priority – make it yours, too.

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