Two Ways To Move A Biz Forward: Several Ways To Implement Them

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When you first get that idea for your business, it can consume you. You start to think about the future, the direction you can take, and in some cases, you are eager to get started. Dedicating any spare time you have to create websites and a social media following, and doing all that you can to create a business from nothing. It is at this stage that you start to see your hard work paying off to the point that you can dedicate yourself to the business and perhaps even leave your job. Exciting times.

But, working from home and being involved in every aspect of the business can be exhausting, and for some, there simply isn’t enough hours in the day. You want your business to move forward, but are unsure of the next steps to take. There are two ways that can help you do this. Hiring staff for certain roles and moving out of the home and into a business location for some sort. Here are some of the ways that you could implement them two options into your business.

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Hiring the right staff

Let’s face it, getting to the stage where you can hire staff is always going to be an exciting part. Knowing that you have someone dedicated to a particular role in your business can help to free up time for you to focus on the areas where you can make the most difference. But, the one thing you want to do is ensure that you hire the right staff first time round. A recruitment process costs money, and having to repeat it several times over because someone leaves or they don’t fit in is counter productive. So here are some suggestions to help you hire the right people first time round.

Getting the advert right

First of all, you want to attract the right sort of candidates, and so the best way to do that would be in the advertisement specifically. The advert is what will attract people to send through their resume, so include specifics for the job role, and any necessary experience. You might also want to include salary details and a little about the person you want to hire. This can help you to get things off on the right foot.

Don’t settle for one interview

The next thing to think about would be the interview process and the sort of questions that you want to ask. The problem you may face is trying to cram all of that into one interview, so it may be worth having it in your mind that you will do a second and maybe even third interview before making your decision.

Background checks and references

Once you have your final list in place you can start to think about the background checks and references. You can’t always take on face value what a candidate is saying about their experience and achievements, and so it is worth gaining references from previous employers that can help with this. They could also share information such as sickness and unexplained absences. Checks will also ensure that you are hiring someone that is legitimate, and experts from places like this company could be useful. Knowing the facts can help you to make a more informed decision.

Honesty is the best policy

Finally, when it comes to hiring the right staff, honesty is the best policy. Make sure that you are upfront about things such as your expectations and the work that will need to be done, what the earning potential is and also about hours and time. Often candidates will leave a job in those first few months simply because the job wasn’t what it was advertised, so avoid this issue by being upfront about everything ahead of time.

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Finding the right business location

The next way that you can move your business forward is to get out of working from home. While initially in those early days, working from home can be a lifesaver. It can keep your overheads at an all time low, you can work whenever you have time or to a routine that suits your needs and your family. However, moving a business forward may mean that you need to be able to hold more stock, or even deal with customers or clients face to face. So here are some of the ways that you can find the right business location for your company.

What is the purpose of the premises

One of the first things to think about would be to figure out what the purpose of your business premises is. For some companies, you need to look at a shop. Where you can open up the option of face to face sales. If a shop isn’t the right sort of thing, perhaps a showroom where you can showcase your products and services might be more your thing. For some businesses, you don’t need a retail space, but you do need offices, a place to store stock etc. Work out what you will need from the business location as this will help you to look at the right properties.

The location is important

The location of the business premises is always going to be an important factor for a few different reasons. First up, you need to think about access and advertising. This is especially important if you have a retail premises where your ant customers to walk in off the street. A high street or busy road could be ideal for this. If your location is more specific to you as a business, then you will still need to think about access and how easy it is to get to. Last of all, make sure that you are not discriminating when it comes to things like wheelchair access etc.

The atmosphere it creates

Finally, once you have your location picked out take some time to think about the atmosphere that is created. You want the place to be positive and a happy one, where people want to visit or work in.

Let’s hope that these tips help you to implement one of these two ways that you can move your business forward.

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